Join a Connectivity Group at Echo
Our desire is to build deep relationships with one another and with Jesus. Connectivity Groups are designed so that anyone can show up and join right away—no preparation required. Each leader has everything you need as you arrive.
See calendar at the bottom of this page for times, locations, and special events.
John Bible Study
Thursdays @ 7:30 p.m.
This co-ed gathering will be studying the book of John this season. The first half hour is fellowship, and the Scripture study begins at 8pm. No prep is required—the group will read and discuss together each week.Email Burke to find out more.
First & Third Tuesdays @ 7 p.m.
This co-ed group will have conversations surrounding our Sunday sermons from the book of John. Meets at a home in Walnut Hills.Email Kelly for details.
Second Wednesdays @ 7 p.m.
This group will be studying select passages from the book of John this season—plus they share delicious treats together. Meets in a home in Mt. Lookout.Email Kelly for more info.
Small Groups
This group meets twice a month on Sunday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m. Both gatherings each month will cover the same content: prayers, Scripture, and discussions for parents. Couples can feel free to come together or to join on opposite evenings to allow for their preferred childcare options.
Additionally, this group will gather as whole families to share a meal and fellowship once a quarter.
Email Kendra to join.
Meets first Wednesdays of the month @ 7 p.m.
Gather with this group to consider the way God’s Spirit moves through the creativity, artistry, & imaginations of people. Currently discussing Art & Faith, a book by Makoto FujimuraEmail Dillon to get the details.
Second & Last Tuesdays @ 7 p.m.
This group’s exercise lasts for one hour. To begin we’ll gather as a large group and do a quick centering reflection exercise for about 5 minutes. Then, for about 45 minutes, we’ll break into groups of 3-4 to share memories and stories based on the prompts from the reflection. To end our time, we’ll come back together to pray over one another.This group meets at the church.
Email Shanté to join.
Community Groups
Youth group combines students from Echo Church and Legend Community Church—there are options for both Jr. High and High School. If you have a student who may be interested in joining us, we’ll get you all the info.
Email Shanté to join.
Third Thursdays @ 10 a.m.
We started a group for local pastors to get to know others working in ministry in greater Cincinnati. Are you part of a local congregation? Come hang out with us! We meet in coffee shops or local parks for conversation and encouragement.Email Shanté to join.
Echo Calendar
This is our calendar for all Echo Connectivity Groups and all other Echo Church events. Private location details will be shared in our newsletter and on Sunday mornings. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with all the details.