Louder Than Words | Meek
If you aren’t able to physically join us in a back yard this morning, consider meeting up with the Hamilton back yard at 11:00am via Zoom. It’s like being there with us, except you have to bring your own donuts.
We've got another outside event coming up. On Sunday, October 18 we'll have an all-church worship service to celebrate Echo's 15th birthday. If you were able to join us for the picnic last week, we’re aiming for the same spot behind Krohn Conservatory.
Visit echochurch.org/give any time to worship through giving and support our ministry together — both locally and globally. Of course, you can always snail mail to: Echo Church, PO Box 6067, Cincinnati, OH 45206
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This past week, Garrett and I found ourselves back in the pediatrician’s office with our 11-day-old who was suffering from what I had very professionally diagnosed as “a lot of yellow eye goop.” As we sat waiting for the doctor to come in, I was drawn to a poster hanging near the entrance of the room. The photo was that of a father tenderly holding his new baby as he gazed down at the infant with pure adoration. Written on the poster was a simple phrase: “Tough enough to be gentle.”
The image and phrase resonated with me in light of pondering how the third beatitude related to parenting in a Christ-like manner. Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek [gentle], for they shall inherit the earth.”
So this week, I simply want to leave you with the mental image of that poster. I want to leave you with the image of a father, exponentially stronger than his tiny child, showing true strength in his ability to channel that power into a soft, sweet whisper; into a gentle touch; into act after act of self-sacrificial love.
Let us remember how our God showed his power in such tenderness. Let us serve our children with meek hearts and teach them to care for others in the same gentle way.
Idea for Application:
Grab an egg and a spoon. Have your child place the egg on the spoon and attempt to walk across the room (probably not a carpeted room) with the egg without dropping it. As they walk, remind them they have to be “gentle” with the egg. Provide ideas for remaining gentle: walking slowly; keeping arms still; taking small steps, etc.
Alternative activity: Allow your child to attempt to “shave” a balloon using shaving cream and a razor. [Provided you feel like this is a safe option for your particular child.] Guide your child in being “gentle” or “meek” with the balloon.
After your child finishes the activity, share the third beatitude with them. Explain that Jesus lived a meek [gentle] life and we are encouraged to do the same.