Now, But Not Yet - Part 1


As we're in a new year, anticipating a new segment of our life journey, there are still miles to go before we arrive. What do we do in the Now, But Not Yet?

Today we discuss 3 steps to demonstrate Jesus when disruption happens, like what our country faced this week.

Let's look into our faith history in these coming weeks as we consider who we need to be—together, as the church—emerging in a changed world.

  • 10:30 a.m.: Echo Kids Zoom (message Kendra if you need the link).

  • 11:00 a.m.: Join our online worship service live with Zoom

If you missed being with us on Sunday at 11, see below for the recorded message, and hopefully we can see your face next week!



Let's Stay Connected in Prayer

If you have a need you'd like the church leaders to lift up in prayer or a praise you want to celebrate, message us anytime.

One way to send a note to all staff at once, is right here. The staff will be alerted of your note and will absolutely journey with you in prayer and rejoicing. Or use the same page to schedule a time with an Echo pastor if you would like to talk on the phone, on Zoom, or set up a safe in-person opportunity.

Let's stay connected.


Thank you for supporting our ministry throughout last year. In 2021, we will continue to use our resources to minister to one another, to our community, and to partner with 7 different missionary families and groups locally and around the world. Give online anytime for a tax-deductible donation. Or mail checks to: Echo Church, PO Box 6067, Cincinnati OH 45206


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Echo Kids Zoom takes place Sunday mornings from 10:30-11:00am. Contact Kendra for the link!

Echo Church