Behind the Scenes | Acts 21+


Echo Church! Another week of physical distancing finds us here — gathering in this strange digital space. Can it be sacred? Can it truly be shared? These videos and text on a web page are so far removed from how we are used to communicating and worshipping together; but we know that our Lord is no less present in our homes than in our church. It doesn’t matter whether you come here individually from your phone or gathered with family on the couch in front of a TV. God is here because He is everywhere.

What we share here is different. However, I have come to embrace and even cherish it. I see each week as a bit of a journey: from the top of the page, to the bottom; from the beginning of the videos, to the end. We all learn, communicate, and grow in different ways. While we have this opportunity, rather than just post a video and call it a day, I want to try to curate and guide us in some intentionally different ways. Maybe these words and videos even work better for some of us than a normal Sunday morning, at least for certain aspects.

Similarly, some of us are coming to this at the same time together on Sunday mornings. Some are early risers and watched two hours ago. Some have waited days or weeks. You may have even found your way here months or years from the posting of it. Wherever, whenever, however you come, welcome! He is not far from any of us ever, and I know that He is here now.

No matter your style or ours, my prayer is that this does become a sort of sacred space. I pray that as you make your way through this worship experience, you encounter God — at your own pace, in your own space, in your own way — but encounter Him no less.

Thank you friends for being flexible and embracing this opportunity to be with Jesus and your Echo family — near and far, new and old.

Onward to worship,



“Because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained. So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.”

2 Timothy 2:9-10



After many attempts to capture a worthwhile bit of music of to share with you this week, I settled on pushing that creativity out for a hopeful post later on.

Instead, reflecting on our topic and Kelly’s words this week reminded me of an album that has touched my heart recently, and I want to share it with you. At the end, I’ll link to the whole album (which I encourage you to take in at some point this week). But for now, let’s focus on a particularly topical song: “Chain Breaker.” We’ve never done this song at Echo, and I don’t know if we ever will. Part of the beauty of this different format is that it doesn’t matter.

I have no idea how Zach William’s Live From Harding Prison found me. It just appeared in my Apple Music one day, and the idea of a Live From [any] Prison worship album intrigued me. I played it and was hooked in such a strange way. It was kind of cheesy in some ways, but the guy just has one of those voices where you can tell he’s serious and genuine and… been through some stuff. Not to mention the guys in that room who clearly have been through some stuff (kind of like our friend Paul).

These past few weeks have been particularly ridiculous. If that’s where you are — burdened, tired, pained, locked down — soak this in and let the Spirit renew you today.

Many of us, including myself, lead generally comfortable lives. I have found comfort to breed cynicism and have been burdened with plenty of it over the years. The lyrics of this song (and many songs) may ring hollow in the cynical ear. As followers of Jesus, that should bother us. I want to encourage those of us who easily fall into this trap to stretch a little.

May we allow the discomfort of our collective lock-down soften our hearts today. May we identify and embrace our own trials, more deeply empathize with the suffering of others, and tear down some of the walls that get built up around us.

I pray this over all of us. Let’s break some chains.


Extra Credit: Links to stream the album (It’s only 6 or 7 songs)

YouTube Video Playlist | Apple Music | Spotify | Google Play Music | Amazon


CONNECT - In this time of physical distancing and isolation, it’s so important to stay connected to our friends and family. That includes our Echo family, and we are doing that in a few ways:

GIVE—Visit any time to worship through giving and support our ministry together. Or snail mail to: Echo Church, PO Box 6067, Cincinnati, OH 45206



I still miss seeing all of you and hope you had another fun week at home with your family! I hope you like this week's craft!



Echo parents: Just like last week, feel free to improvise on supplies as needed or desired. Your child can take artistic liberties as they see fit. :) Above is picture of one of our Echo kids with the necessary craft supplies; below is a video explaining a little about the craft and Bible story.

This week, we will be making cloth handcuffs, as our Bible story comes from Acts 21-26, centering in on Paul's arrest and trials. All you will need for this craft is some old cloth and scissors. I cut two of the strips long enough to tie around a child's wrists. The third strip, used to connect the handcuffs, can be a bit thinner and shorter. If you do not have old cloth at home, you could use paper and yarn instead.

Be sure to post videos/pictures of your child’s creation to the Echo Church Group Facebook page. Have fun!


Echo Church